How to Brighten Up Your Home's Interior By Decorating With Mirrors

Decorating with mirrors is a good way to brighten up your home's interior, no matter your overall style. Framed or frameless mirrors work with any type of decor, from very traditional to very modern and sleek, and these pieces can be used in any room of the home. Note a few tips on how to add decorative mirrors to your space so that they bring in some brightness and style, but still blend with the home overall, and with other pieces in a room.

Behind a sofa

Adding any type of artwork behind the sofa can be tricky, as that art needs to be in proportion to the size of the sofa. If you have a long, sectional sofa, consider adding a large rounded mirror off to one side, and then other framed artwork, including additional rounded frames, next to the mirror, across the length of the sofa. The round shape of the mirror will offset the long sofa, and adding more pieces next to it will keep the grouping proportionate.

For a smaller sofa or loveseat, scale down the size of the mirror, and use it as your only artwork on the wall. This will keep the mirror from overpowering the sofa or loveseat, and keep everything proportionate. You can even stagger smaller mirrors in a grouping that adds visual interest, as long as the grouping is not wider than your sofa.

No wall space

If there is a room in your home with limited wall space for hanging mirrors, opt for a full-length floor mirror than you can set in one corner, to reflect light back into the room. If there are tables in the room, use smaller framed mirrors as you would framed photos, and add these under a lamp to reflect light.

For long, bare walls

Adding a plain mirror to a long and bare wall can help introduce light to an otherwise dark hallway or room, but a simple mirror itself may not be enough to add style to that wall space. Consider adding an eclectic look with lots of framed mirrors, in different frame styles and sizes. You might have wood frames mixed with classic silver frames, and lots of both rounded and square or rectangular shapes. Remember that a glass cutter can cut mirrors to size, so choose frames you love, and then have mirrors cut to fit those frames in particular, to fill up that long and empty wall.

For more information, contact companies like Action Glass & Aluminium.

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The Benefits of New Windows

Hello, my name is Ron. I love everything construction related. But what I love most is installing and maintaining windows. Windows can make a home more energy efficient and more stylish. I spent many hours working on my own home and have also helped to install windows in the homes of my family and friends so they can have improved homes. I decided to start this blog in order to pass on everything I know to the rest of the world. So if you would like to know more about the benefits of installing new windows in your home, read on for some top tips.